Being Conscious of Your Energy Through The Precepts

You can keep your life force energy contained from within, by grounding. Grounding means centering within yourself. It is not allowing your energy to flow out of your body and human energetic field. When you have enough of your energy contained within yourself you are centered, grounded, and embodied. When you are grounded into your physical and energetic body you can then align your spiritual self and begin to experience life to the fullest.

Fully understanding and practicing the Reiki Precepts helps to keep your energy flowing in, through, around and from you. In a sense you embody the Precepts in your daily life. Practicing the Precepts gives you a greater opportunity for understanding the well being of all life.

Just For Today- means in this present moment. It means you are mindful of your thoughts and are not judging them or attaching to them. It bring your energy to this very moment in your physical world where you are free to choose your next thought consciously. If you don’t attach an emotion, judgement or memory to the thought, you will more than likely not loose energy. Every time you attach you make it personal and then you begin to judge and you start the loss of your life force energy. The present moment creates your future. It brings your physical, emotional, mental and spiritual states in balance, in the now, where you can co create your future.

Anger and Worry take energy out of you. Anger is usually a thought or emotion connected to the past. And worry is fear about the future. Energy flows where your attention goes. We need to be aware that we are all part of the whole and all life breathes together. You contribute and receive energy from the global consciousness. You want to be aware that the energy that you are sending out is as much as possible of love and the awareness is for the highest and best for all.

Being Humble and Grateful raises your energetic vibration which then goes out into the global consciousness and you attract back more blessings into your life. When you are aware that you are fearful or anxious try to switch up your thoughts to something that brings you love, joy or peace.

Being True to Your Way and Being means co creating with the universe in the unique way that is you. There is no other you! You must do the work that is necessary for you to know your value, raise your self esteem, and understand that we are all perfect spiritual beings having an imperfect human experience. Establishing a daily practice dedicated to self love and self discovery of your inner and energetic world will help you live life from your spiritual True Self.

Being Compassionate to yourself first and then extending this compassion to others is the end result of the embodying the Precepts. Showing compassion to yourself first is honoring the spiritual and human being that is you. You accept all your strengths and your weaknesses as a living being on this planet. You readily share all the gifts that only you can share. If you are not mindful, or out of energetic balance your energy is not not present and you can not be of service for the highest and best for all. You must heal yourself on all four levels before you can be a source of healing for all. Compassion for yourself and all is the awareness of wholeness; Of the interconnectedness of all life and all life force energies. It is knowing that we are all here at this exact time in the evolution of our planet, together. And together, we can awaken and make the changes necessary for the healing of ourselves and our planet. Returning to balance and wholeness and making conscious choices for highest and best for all, is our most important priority. Evert choice matters and every choice is attached to energy. Every moment you are given the option to see life differently. Let us contain our energies, see the truth of oneness and begin to return to wholeness. Be present, be balanced and be well.